Carol, I’m with you and I’ve been sick over this. And enraged to the point where, If I was younger, would do something that would get me arrested. I’ve been very vocal about this for month and have been writing about the dangers of a Trump presidency for months before the election. It’s stunning to realize we live among so many ignorant clods. I watch CNN and MSNBC. Both, especially the latter, cover the scumbag non-stop. That said, I want more outrage from the press, as well as our so-called, “concerned citizens.” I’m fucking pissed all the time, and especially scared about SS. What will we do? This is my opinion: Trump is a traitor and for his treasonous actions and crimes against humanity, he should be executed. And, Elon Musk deported and/or locked up for the rest of his miserable life. That would be a start.