Member-only story
I Feel Bad, But I Had To Block The “Highlight King”
There’s a limit, you know?
This relatively short piece is for anyone who has had their stories hijacked by a writer here who lives with Asberger’s Syndrome, which I know little about other than, similar to Autism, it affects the ability to socialize and communicate.
I say “Hijacked” because the dude highlighted virtually every line in my stories, which was flattering at first, but quickly became annoying. When every line is highlighted, the unspoken message is that NOTHING stands out. And, the story ends up looking like shit.
Now, I know others here have experienced the same hijacking. My buddy Timothy J. Sabo put the bug in my brain after sharing his frustration with the Highlight King’s taking over a recently published story.
He likened this behavior to a sort of “bullying,” and, as extreme as that sounds I agree with him. There’s no reason in the world why we writers should put up with this, so I set aside my natural empathy and blocked him.
Here’s the thing, folks. The Highlight King has over 11.2k followers. First, off, WTF??? If he’s that good, then I can’t feel that bad, you know? Because, if I remember correctly, he racked up the followers like “yesterday” after making his appearance on Medium.