Member-only story
Is it Right to Write a Wee Bit?
Fair warning: This isn’t a piece for the cerebral. Because, this is Medium, so what’s the point? What’s the point in spilling one’s guts, one’s very blood, sweat, and tears, when a two-paragraph story about nothing gets nearly six thousand claps?
When the cooch — sorry, the coach, proclaimed that Medium’s goal was to publish quality material that struck a chord with readers, a good portion of the community was heartened, except for me. As I’ve been toiling here since 2018, I’ve seen many a worm turn.
Get this: I was here long before the fabled and very bullshitty boost. Yes, I’m old.
I’ve found that, on Medium, one day it’s this and the next it’s that, you know? You newbies don’t get this, but you will. Trust me. You must be nimble to endure the ever-changing algorithm.
But, I digress. I’ve been seeing stories in my feed from a writer who is the very soul of brevity. On average, their stories amount to two-minute reads or less, and the clappers are clapping themselves silly. Moreover, there’s no “there, there,” if you get my drift. Nothing to grab onto, to make you think, question, or even, laugh.
So, my holiday gift to you is this: “Don’t knock yourself out on this platform. It…