Oh hell, I'm crying again, Deb, but this is such a beautiful comment that I can't help myself. Your "confession" helps me more than I can say. I just knew that if we did nothing and waited and "hoped" for the best that our Dooley would not go in peace. Our vet told us as much.
Our husbands would probably get along, famously. I know you and I certainly would.
And yes, Dooley lived a life filled with love, and now, I have two more that need our love and attention, and they will get it, in spades.
Our very fist cat died in my arms and I didn't have a car at the time to rush to the vet and my husband, although he left work, didn't make it home before she passed. And, it was horrible. I didn't want a reprise of that. Never, again.
Thank you so much.