So "Dr. Y" kicked Terry out because she is adamant about quality and standards?
What a crock of crap. First of all, I think this pub should just go away, but that's me. Secondly, Illumination HAS NO STANDARDS. Which is why I stopped writing for it.
No, wait. Actually, I was also kicked out for having the balls to criticize a publication that allows writers to share the most embarrassing, horribly-written stories I've ever seen. If that's being "inclusive," count me out.
As some of the Illumination writers are people who I consider to be friends and who actually have talent, I won't go full-tilt here and say what I really think, but you can read between the lines.
And WTF is wrong with this writer who publishes this ream job three months after the fact?
And the "doctor" actually isn't. He's a tech guy.. What a surprise.
"Terry, you're better off."