So, Your Viral Story Made Thousands

We know because you told us

Sherry McGuinn
4 min readAug 29, 2024


Since, 2018, I’ve seen many writers come and go on Medium. Some have been shining examples of storytelling at its finest, others merely meh, and then there are those scribes who’ve managed to claw their way to the top of the heap via a melding of moderate talent and Big Talk.

Many of those last lot can’t seem to help themselves when it comes to bloviating about their earnings. And, yes, I call them “bloviators.” You’ve seen that particular moniker in many of my stories. They, under the guise of “helping” the rest of us, bleat, or rather, bloviate, about their pieces going “viral” and the shit-ton of money they earned.

I just found a piece where the writer bloviates about a story that not only went “viral,” but earned thousands of dollars. Read that again, fellow schlubs. THOUSANDS. Can you conceive of this? I cannot. But, let’s be clear about one thing. In an alternate universe, if I wrote a story that earned thousands, you’d never know. And, if I did tell you because I just couldn’t help myself, first, I wouldn’t tell you the amount and also, I wouldn’t suck you in with clickbait as to how YOU, TOO, could do it.



Sherry McGuinn

Long-time writer and big-time dreamer. Screenwriter. Cat mama. Red lip aficionado.