This declaration of the shit-heap Medium has become, gave me chills. Thank you, my friend, for telling the unvarnished truth. We won’t hear this from Zulie, the content-spewer and her compadres because they don’t have the balls. Instead, they’re baling like rats on a sinking ship. The Cooch gave them Better Marketing and in turn, they shit on him by moving it to another platform. They suck, anyway, so no loss there.
But, so many excellent writers have moved on to what they hope are greener pastures because they got tired of the bullshit. “Medium Day.” What a joke.
I can’t help but wonder if the boss man will read this. My guess is, he won’t . Bottom line, he and his brainless minions have ruined this platform. But as long as the check clears, right, Tony?
Thanks for writing this, doll. Good on you.