Member-only story
Use Your Referral Link and Prepare to Pander
Sherry’s Tattoo Parlor is open for business!
Hey guys, do you want to earn yourselves a few crumbs of the monstrously huge Medium pie?
Sure you do!
Do you want to endear yourselves to the powers that be? In other words, would you consider pandering to the Medium gods so you can get an extra shekel or two?
Not sure about that one, are you?
Well, neither was I until I had a long and soulful talk with one of my besties, Suzanne V. Tanner.
All of our talks are long and soulful, by the way.
We cover a lot of ground when we jump on the horn. Today, we discussed the bullshit that was the MWC and other random stuff. One topic we spitballed was the referral bonus link thingy.
You know what this is about, right? We stick a link at the end of our stories so the uninitiated can become members of the Partner Program and in turn, we get half of their membership fee as long as they’re paying members.
From what I’ve been able to glean, some folks think this sucks, that we’re being used, and of course, we are. But, as long as Medium’s going to use us, in turn, we might as well do our best to soak them for…