Yes, I think the way around it is copying and pasting it here, like I am about to do!
Many factors play into the widespread local poverty in the world today but one primary reason why four people get murdered in the quicksand of poverty and debt is the four choices that they make and the lazy attitudes that they portray. in this article, I will be relating five mistakes that all poor people make this video is not in any way meant to condemn people’s personal choices but it seeks to point out errors with the help that you who have already made mistakes will take steps to fix them while those who are yet to make them will avoid them
1.Not making adjustments according to life’s changes what do you do when you get a new job move to another locality or even lose your job do you make necessary shifts to your budget and expenses or do you let them remain as they are if the latter is the case then it is a reason why you’re still poor. Peat Bush a CFP with horizon wealth management once stated in an interview that successful people understand that every transition you go through has a financial implication and they make sure to build a plan for those turning points he further illustrates this point using a football match think about it like football.
Bush says the coaches have a game plan hadn’t e’en but let’s say the quarterback running back and linebacker gets hurt in the first quarter and is out of commission their original intention is now irrelevant and they have to come up with a new blueprint.
However poor people will continue to leave the way they have been leaving even after a significant life transition when their lives assume neuter and they don’t bother to find time to sit down look deeply into their finances and make adjustments.
2.Focus on saving rather than earning in his book Rich Dad Poor Dad Robert Kiyosaki mentioned that one peculiar difference between the rich and the poor is found in their approach towards acquiring items the Richman asks how can I afford this and then increases his means of income but the poor man says I cannot afford this and then ignores it. While saving a percentage of your income is a beautiful idea you should also know that she can only save as much as you earn you may try to increase your savings but if your earnings remain the same increment in savings will make little or no difference as you will end up spending your savings on the incentive things you ignored initially, for instance, you may decide to reduce the amount of money you spend on food just so your savings can increase although your savings might increase by a few bucks, in the long run, you may fall sick because of malnutrition and may end up spending the money you saved and even extra to treat yourself on the very terrible mistake made by poor people is increasing the amount of money they save instead of the amount of money they earn.
keeping $50 or $100 extra is nothing compared to an additional $1,000 to your earnings millionaires do not spend their money wastefully however they recognize the importance of having other means of income as a way to get to their financial destination faster.
3.Living above financial budgets daily weekly monthly and yearly many people set budgets preparing budgets is a simple task there are several applications on the web and Playstore that make it even more comfortable nevertheless it takes you and your discipline to spend as per your budget despite their incredible budgeting tactics lots of people still find it challenging to keep tabs of their spending. when people think about the type of lifestyles the rich can afford they picture expensive designers’ vacation and money in the air but wealthy people are more down to earth than you might imagine. so if you want to come out of the rat race you have to be able to master self-discipline, many people do see the relevance of discipline they assume that the higher your income the easier it will be to stick to the budget but that is a big fat lie no matter how much a person earns if he or she does not possess the ability of self-discipline sticking to set budgets is impossible.
Poor people find it hard to stay on course with their budgets and that is why irrespective of the amount of money that comes to them they remain poor but rich people understand and live by Suze Orman saying just because you can afford it doesn’t mean you should buy it.
4.Not setting financial goals what are your current financial state and net worth what financial position do you see yourself in the next one year two years five years these questions are questions that many poor people do not consider necessary to answer but as Jillian, a financial plan and not setting goals can set you up for financial problems. being wealthy depends mainly on having written long and short-term financial plans and sticking to them a recent study by the University of Scranton revealed the 92% of people who do not achieve their goal fail as a result of a lack of planning. people who do not plan for how to manage their money and who lack budget are vulnerable to impulse buying overspending and making other unwise decisions fear vulnerability is based on the fact that they have no focus and as such can be swayed easily. no matter how much you earn if you do not have a financial plan and go you will derail from your headset objective and you will never be wealthy.
5.Choose price over value according to entrepreneur and author Philip B Crosby quality is free it’s not a gift but it’s free the inferior things are what costs money have you ever been in the position where you had to choose a ten-dollar shoe over a 50 dollar shoe even when you know the former is of inferior make the reason for this decision in many cases is not because the money is not available in fact on some occasions the money was gifted to you for the primary purpose of buying quality shoes but you’re frugal mine sells you out with the thought of having to keep the change. the rich people know better then the cheapest route is often not long-lasting they understand and when you go for things with little value you’ll have to spend more because sooner or later they will go wrong and you will have to get another besides poor people tend to want to manage things when a utility gets bad like a pipe or of the oven instead of fixing it properly or replacing it they will first call on the handyman to make patches the truth is it is more expensive to pay for a rock-bottom priced item than to pay for a best-valued product.
To become wealthy you do not only learn about and practice the attitude of the rich the most significant learning is to understand the poor and avoid habits that make poor people stay poor.
Not making adjustments according to life changes.
Focus on saving, rather than earning.
Living above financial budgets.
Not setting financial goals.
Choose price over value
Thank you for reading this so far.
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